Here we provide you with all the terminology you need to work with eTrusted. On our Developer Center you can also find our developer glossary.
Your eTrusted account comprises all the channels for your company has. With our Control Centre you can automate your Review Invites. Create invite rules for your account and activate them for your each of your channels. Note that for each event, only one rule can be active at a time.
Additional questions
Additional questions can be used in questionnaires to collect more detailed feedback from your customers. In contrast to the trusted star review, additional questions are intended for your internal use. Therefore they are not displayed on your review profile and don’t affect your overall rating.
API stands for Application Programming Interface
. It enables automated communication between two or more software systems without you having to do anything manually. For developers, APIs provide a high degree of flexibility.
To see all the APIs that we provide, visit our API documentation.
Automated Invite dispatch (Automation)
The automated delivery of review invites is triggered by events and the invite's dispatch time is defined by invite rules. Find more information about this here: How to send invites to my customers automatically?
Average rating
See overall rating.
Sending invites and collecting reviews always happen in the context of a channel. In eCommerce, a channel usually is an online shop. When you have multiple channels, you can switch between them in the Control Centre. You can also select multiple channels and display reviews across these channels.
Control Centre
The eTrusted interface is called the Control Centre. From here you can send review invites to your customers as well as manage reviews already collected in your review inbox.
CSV file
When you send out manual invites via the review collector, you need a CSV file with customer data. For instructions on how to create such a file, see: How to create a CSV file to send manual Review Invites.
Customer journey
The customer journey is the sum of all stages that customers go through when purchasing a product or a service. The customer journey comprises all touchpoints between your company and a customer.
eTrusted allows you to define events for each of these touchpoints so you can collect reviews for each of them individually.
Developer Center
We provide APIs for developers so they can build their own solutions based on our technology. For more information visit our Developer Center. There you will also find our eTrusted API documentation.
Digital Reputation
Digital Reputation is a product with which you can link a share of your review invites to other rating services like Google My Business (Google Maps and other Google services). By that you can optimise your digital reputation on more than one review profile, all at once.
More on that you can find in our category Digital Reputation.
eTrusted is part of the Trusted Shops family: today more than 25,000 online sellers are using Trusted Shops to collect, show and manage genuine feedback from their customers. eTrusted's mission is to ensure trust in sectors beyond classic e-commerce: e.g. service-providers, institutions and large companies.
An event is triggered by a transaction which takes place between your company and your customer - for example, a purchase in an online shop. When an Event is triggered, it sends an automated review invite based on an invite rule. To set up Events, visit our API documentation.
For more information on this, see: What is an event?
Experience feedback
eTrusted is based on a simple albeit powerful concept: experience feedback.
Experience feedback is feedback given by a customer in the context of a specific transaction with a service or a product. Usually experience feedback is given at the moment the transaction takes place or with a certain offset, when the experience is more than the transaction (e.g. product usage, a purchase, visiting a store, etc.).
Catching what customers really think about their transaction experience is crucial because customers form their opinion about organisations and brands when they have transactions with them.
With eTrusted, experience feedback is triggered by an event at a touchpoint. eTrusted automates the process of sending out review invites and collecting experience feedback, thus creating a high volume of feedback for better insights. eTrusted creates a stream of feedback and reveals trends. It also shows the most important touch points on which to focus.
see review inbox.
see review invites.
Invite History
In the Control Centre, click "Invites" in the left menu and "History" in the upper menu to get to your Invite History. It provides a chronological overview of all invites sent and the corresponding invite status.
Invite rule
The dispatch time of automated review invites is defined by invite rules. When creating a rule, you always select a corresponding event, the preferred sending delay including the preferred time, an invite email template and a questionnaire template.
Invite status
The invite history provides a chronological overview of all invites sent and the corresponding invite status. For statuses like "Rejected" and "Not delivered" we provide you with additional reasons on why it occurred.
Find a list of all invite statuses here: What are the different invite statuses and what do they mean?
Manual invites
see review collector.
My Trusted Shops
My Trusted Shops is our previous system. In 2019 we started upgrading all My Trusted Shops users to the new eTrusted platform free of charge.
For more information about the upgrade, see: What do I need to know for the upgrade from My Trusted Shops to eTrusted?
Opinion scale
A type of additional question.The opinion scale ranges from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) and asks customers for their opinion on e.g different product criteria.
Optimised questionnaire template
The standard template that we recommend to use for questionnaires. It includes the trusted star review and optionally, an additional question type: opinion scale. To have a look at the template, see: What's the optimised questionnaire template?
Overall rating
The average rating of all reviews collected in the last 12 months. Customers can see your overall rating on your review profile. You also find the overall rating in the Control Centre by clicking on one of your channels in the main navigation.
Placeholders are text elements that are replaced with your data. Example: review invites include the placeholder [transaction date], which is replaced with the date when the transaction took place.
In order to conveniently capture your customers' feedback, eTrusted sends them review invites that link to questionnaires. By submitting a questionnaire, a customer leaves a review.
The reference is a unique identifier that helps you identify a particular transaction. In most cases it is an order number, but it could also be an invoice, shipment tracking, ticket, telephone or customer number.
Review Collector
The Review Collector allows you to manually collect reviews with just a few clicks and without any technical integration. It's located in the Control Centre in the main navigation under "Invites" > "Send invites".
Review Inbox
The review inbox is located in the Control Centre. Find it in the main navigation under "Inbox". Just like an email inbox, the review inbox provides an overview of all your reviews.
Review Invites
A review invite is a message to your customer (usually an email), that invites him or her to write a review. A review invite contains a link to a questionnaire. By submitting the questionnaire, the customer leaves the review.
There are two types of review invites: Automated invites and manual invites.
Review Profile
The review profile is the page where your overall rating and all your collected reviews get published. When you reply to a review in the review inbox, your reply will also appear on the review profile.
Review Service Team
Our Review Service Team is responsible for checking reviews that have been reported. Contact the team via email:
Sender information
The sender information include the sender name (currently Trusted Shops Team) and the sender email (currently This in the information displayed in your customers' email inbox when they receive your review invites. Sender information prevent review invites from being classified as spam by email clients.
Sending delay
The sending delay is the amount of time that you want to let pass between an event and the dispatch of a review invite. You define a sending delay each time you create an invite rule.
There are multiple touchpoints along the customer journey where transactions between your customer and your company may take place. With eTrusted you can define an event for each of these touchpoints and collect reviews for it.
Transactions take place at touchpoints that customers have with your company along their customer journey. When using automated invites, you can set up events for different transactions. The events will then be triggered each time the respective transaction takes place. When an event arrives at eTrusted, a review invite will be sent based on an invite rule.
Trusted Star Review
This is the review that is published on your review profile and affects your overall rating. It includes a star rating, comment, and title.
Widgets are little stickers, designed by Trusted Shops, that you can use to display your overall rating or individual reviews on your website. Widgets are part of the trust marketing tools that you have at your fingertips in eTrusted.