- from 5.6.5 on
- 5.7, all minor versions
We therefore recommend that you update your shop system as soon as possible and switch to the new plugin afterwards.
A new plugin has been available for Shopware 5 since November 2022. Therefore, there are two installation options:
Installation option 1: You already use a Trusted Shops plugin for Shopware 5.
- First, uninstall your previously used plugin with the help of the section on “Uninstallation”.
- Then install the current plugin with the help of the section on “Installation”.
Installation option 2: You have not used a Trusted Shops plugin for Shopware 5 yet.
- Skip the section on "Uninstallation".
- Install the current plugin with the help of the section on “Installation”.
- Log in to Shopware 5 backend.
- Click on "Configuration" in the main navigation area (). Select "Plugin Manager" ().
- The "Plugin Manager" opens up. In the menu on the left-hand side, click on "Installed".
- An overview of the installed plugins opens up. Click on the red circle ("Install / De-install") to the right-hand side of "Trusted Shops Trustbadge".
Your previously used plugin has been successfully uninstalled. Now follow the "Installation" section to install the current plugin.
As a user of Shopware, a free Trusted Shops extension is available in the Shopware Marketplace. A detailed description of how to install extensions with Shopware can be found here. Then upload the plugin in your Shopware backend under ">Configuration" > "Plugin Manager"
Now, follow these instructions to configure the plugin according to your individual requirements: Using Trusted Shops with a plugin