What is the Trustbadge®?

The Trustbadge® is the central element for the optimal use of all Trusted Shops products. At the same time it acts as a figurehead, in which you present your trustmark and your already collected customer reviews to your customers.

What are the advantages of the Trustbadge?

The Trustbadge has a whole range of advantages for you and your customers:

  • It creates trust in your shop. Once installed, the Trustbadge keeps the security you offer by using Trusted Shops products always in the field of vision of your customers.
  • It enables the activation of the Buyer Protection. If Trusted Shops has certified your shop, your customers can secure their shopping after checkout. The Trustbadge recognises already registered consumers and automatically secures their purchase. Take advantage of our community of over 21 million registered consumers and create additional trust in your offer.
  • It supports you in collecting reviews. Customers who have activated the Buyer Protection will automatically receive a review request after a few days.

What components does the Trustbadge consist of?

The Trustbadge consists of three components, which we will briefly present to you below in the standard version - i.e. with trustmark and customer reviews - and in the desktop version. Possible variants as well as the mobile display of the Trustbadge are presented here.

The minimised version of the Trustbadge

01_EN.png The minimised version of the Trustbadge presents your customers with the Trusted Shops products you use at a glance. With the trustmark in the upper half you show that you meet the quality criteria defined by Trusted Shops and offer the Buyer Protection. In the lower half, your star ratings are also displayed, including the current average score of your shop reviews.

The minimised Trustbadge accompanies your customers during their shopping and is displayed on all shop pages. By default it is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen and keeps its position even if the customer scrolls down. Of course you can adjust the position and size of the minimised Trustbadge to your individual needs.

Take a look at this guide for instructions on how to do this: What display options are there for the Trustbadge® and how can I integrate it into my shop?

The maximised version of the Trustbadge

02_EN.png The maximised version of the Trustbadge opens when your customers click on the minimised version. In the maximised version, interested customers can obtain further information about the Trusted Shops services you offer: In the upper third, the trustmark and its significance are explained in more detail, while the middle third explains the details of the Buyer Protection. In the lower third, your customers can also see how many reviews your average rating score is based on.

The maximised Trustbadge closes as soon as your customer clicks or scrolls to the shop page currently displayed. The minimised Trustbadge is then displayed again. 

The Trustcard

If you have completed the certification and your shop is allowed to carry the trustmark, the Trustcard will appear after the completion of an order. It informs your customers about the Buyer Protection offered by Trusted Shops and offers the possibility to activate it. In this case, your customer will receive a review request via e-mail after a few days.

If your customers belong to the more than 25 million users who have already used the Buyer Protection for a previous purchase or who have a paid Trusted Shops PLUS membership, orders up to 100 Euros, or up to 20,000 Euros (for PLUS members), are automatically protected without the customer having to confirm this. In this case your customers will also be asked for a review later on.


Which variants of the Trustbadge are available?

The elements of the Trustbadge do not always look the same. Instead, the display depends, among other things, on which Trusted Shops products you have booked and want to display, or which phase of certification you are in. Therefore, we would like to introduce some more common variants of the Trustbadge at this point.

The Trustbadge for new members

zero-reviews_en.pngOnce you have become a Trusted Shops member, you can integrate the Trustbadge into your shop from day one - even if your certification has not yet been completed at that time.


Click here for instructions on how to do this: How can I start with the Trustbadge® integration?

Instead of the trustmark, the Trustbadge shows your customers that you are currently in the certification process. This message also already creates trust and potentially leads to higher conversion. In addition, you can already use the Trustbadge in this status to collect reviews if you have booked shop and/or product reviews.

Once you have collected your first review, the Trustbadge will automatically display it the following day. After you have successfully completed your certification, the trustmark will also appear and the Buyer Protection will be activated. You don't have to do anything for this. The Trustbadge updates itself and grows with you.


The Trustbadge for customers who have only booked reviews

As a Trusted Shops member, you have the option of simply booking the review system and waiving the certification. Since your shop may only carry the trustmark after it has passed the certification process, the trustmark will of course not be displayed in the Trustbadge in this case. The minimised Trustbadge therefore focuses on the star ratings and your average score, while the maximised Trustbadge additionally shows some selected reviews. Within the Trustcard, your customers are not offered the Buyer Protection, as this is linked to successful certification and the trustmark. Instead, your customers will be asked for their consent to receive a review request after they have completed their order. On the other hand, already registered consumers who have already given their consent at an earlier purchase will be informed that they will be asked to give their review at a later date.


The Trustbadge for customers who do not wish to display their star ratings

Of course, it is also possible not to display the collected reviews in the Trustbadge. In this case, only the trustmark will be displayed in your Trustbadge after the certification has been passed and a reference will be made to the offered Buyer Protection. However, no star ratings and no average score are displayed. The Trustcard, however, corresponds to the standard variant described above.


How is the Trustbadge displayed on mobile devices?

In the previous sections of this article, we have shown you how the Trusbadge is displayed in the desktop version. As a JavaScript code snippet, the Trustbadge works not only in any web browser, but also on any device. This means that your customers will of course also be able to view it on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets, where it offers the same functions as the desktop version. However, since the screen sizes of mobile devices are usually limited, the Trustbadge mobile is displayed a little differently to give your shop the necessary space.


You see from left to right:

  • The standard version with trustmark, Buyer Protection, and reviews.
  • The variant for customers who have only booked the review system.
  • The variant for customers who do not want to display reviews in the Trustbadge.

In the mobile view, the Trustbadge is displayed in the lower left corner by default. When scrolling, it disappears automatically and only reappears when the customer scrolls up again. Of course you can adjust the positioning of the mobile Trustbadge if the lower left corner of your mobile view is already occupied by other important elements of your shop.

Take a look at this guide for instructions on how to do this: How can I adapt the mobile display of the Trustbadge®?

How do I integrate the Trustbadge?

The Trustbadge can be installed in your online shop in just a few steps and without any programming knowledge. For many shop software systems, we provide you with specially developed plug-ins, with which you can integrate the Trustbadge in no time at all. An overview of all shop software systems for which we offer plugins, as well as the corresponding integration guidelines, can be found here: How can I start with the Trustbadge® integration?

But even if we do not yet provide a plugin and individual step-by-step instructions for your shop software, you can still integrate the Trustbadge into your shop. Please click here for instructions on how to do this: How can I integrate the Trustbadge in my shop without a plugin?

And now good luck with the integration of the Trustbadge. If you need assistance, please contact us at any time at members@trustedshops.com or by calling +44 203 364 5906.

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