What does the invite template for external review platforms look like?

The Trusted Shops Reputation Manager enables you to invite some of your customers to leave a review on review platforms other than Trusted Shops. For example, you can set up an invite distribution of 20% to Trustpilot and another 10% to Google. This way, you can improve your overall rating on multiple review platforms at the same time without additional hassle.

More information about the Reputation Manager can be found here:
- How to use the Reputation Manager?
- Why is it a good idea to optimise my overall rating on other review platforms?

The invites to third party review platforms look slightly differently to our usual Trusted Shops review invites. One the one hand, there are legal reasons for this and on other, we want to be as transparent as possible, on the other. Transparency builds trust and trust is one of the most valuable goods in the digital world.

The review invites

Customers trust review invites branded with Trusted Shops. It is therefore obvious to make the design of the review invites visually recognisable and this is exactly what we have done. The invites contain our logo, the same stars, our logo and the same call-to-action button.

What review invites look like:

Trustpilot Google My Business

The email text

The text differs from the text of our other review invites and indicates to customers that they are being directed to an external review platform. The text of the email footer also indicates that an account may be required to leave a review on a platform such as Trustpilot or Google My Business.

Speaking of accounts: Please keep in mind that customers have to log in with Google or Facebook in order to leave a review on either Trustpilot or Google My Business. For some people this may prove to be an obstacle and result in lower conversion rates than for your Trusted Shops invites. We therefore advise you to monitor invite distribution closely.

In the case of Google My Business, so your customers have a better understanding, we simply speak of Google in the review invites. After all, from their point of view, it is just Google rather than Google My Business.

If we have made you curious, you are welcome to take a look at our Reputation Manager product page:
Reputation Manager: Get the 5 stars you deserve - everywhere!

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