What do I need to know about my invoice?

We know people often have questions about invoices. That’s why we would like to give you some answers about the most important questions regarding our invoices.

Which invoice types are available at Trusted Shops?

When you decide to use Trusted Shops products such as the trustmark or shop reviews, you are entering into a membership. This membership is active for at least one year and is automatically renewed yearly unless you cancel your contract. For this reason, we prepare annual invoices once a year as standard.

This essentially means that you have the choice of paying the costs associated with your membership annually or monthly. However, even if you have agreed on a monthly payment, you will receive an annual invoice where the monthly payment is stipulated. Your current payment frequency can be seen in the payment agreement at the end of the invoice. Individual monthly invoices are not issued by Trusted Shops, even if you choose a monthly payment frequency.

In addition to the regular annual invoice, you will receive a separate invoice if you book another Trusted Shops product in the current contract year, such as Product Reviews or Google Integration.

In exceptional cases, a cancellation invoice may become necessary for technical reasons. A special feature of these cancellation invoices is that services that are cancelled are shown positively on the invoice. However, any services to be recalculated are listed with a negative sign. Positive and negative values are then offset against each other, so that the invoice total corresponds to the final cancellation value.

When will I receive my invoice?

You will receive the first invoice immediately after the conclusion of the contract between you and Trusted Shops. The invoice is always sent by e-mail. If you would also like to receive a hard copy by mail, please contact us by e-mail at contract@trustedshops.com.

Additionally, you have the option to view all previously issued invoices in PDF format in your My Trusted Shops backend. To do this, first log in here to your backend. Next, click on the menu item "My contract" in the main navigation.


In the overview that now opens, select the "Invoices" tab to see a list of the invoices issued so far. 


How are annual invoices structured?

Annual invoices from Trusted Shops consist of seven elements.


(1) Here you can see the Trusted Shops address data.

(2) In this block you will find further important data on Trusted Shops:

  • the names of our managing directors,
  • our tax number,
  • our sales tax ID,
  • our Trade register number,
  • our bank details,
  • the contact details where you can reach our service team.

(3) Your address data is listed here.

(4) Here, you will find the following invoice data:

  • your unique invoice number,
  • your customer number,
  • the document date on which the invoice was issued,
  • if applicable, your sales tax ID and/or your order or purchase order number.

(5) This is followed by the service overview in which the individual Trusted Shops products that you have booked and the costs incurred are listed. If you have booked products for different shops, the respective products are listed for each individual shop.

(6) At the end of the service overview, the net invoice total, any applicable sales tax and the gross invoice total to be paid by you are listed.

(7) At the end of the invoice you will also be informed about the payment agreement agreed with you. Here you will find, among other things,

  • your agreed payment frequency (annual or monthly),
  • which payment method you have selected,
  • when the invoice amount is due.

How can I change my payment method?

You can of course change your payment method at any time. If you wish to change you payment method, please contact our contract team by email (contract@trustedshops.com). You can also contact this team if you want to update important master data such as your company address or if you would like to register another invoice recipient. The contract team is also available for any questions regarding your invoices or in case of reminder letters.

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