Trusted Shops does not provide services as a processor pursuant to Art. 28 DSGVO within the scope of the contract. Rather, there is data processing under joint responsibility. Therefore, a Joint Controllership Agreement (JCA), i.e., an agreement on joint responsibility pursuant to Art. 26 of the GDPR, takes the place of a commissioned processing agreement. The JCA is an integral part of the Trusted Shops General Terms and Conditions and includes detailed provisions on data processing when using the services offered by Trusted Shops.
As part of the Trusted Shops membership agreement, Trusted Shops concludes a data processing agreement with the website owner. The terms and conditions are available here:
Joint Controllership Agreement pursuant to Art. 26 GDPR and the technical and organizational measures
The processing operations covered by the Agreement are specified in the Agreement.
They include above all
- The integration of the Trustbadge on the website.
- The transmission of personal data for the conclusion of the Buyer Protection for orders placed.
- The sending of review request emails on your behalf in the framework of the Buyer Protection when using the tools Review Collector and Trusted Shops API.
- The collection of ratings via the rating platform as well as comments on them.