Measures for Reviews/Feedback Verification

Any real experience with the purchase or use of a service of a company can be rated with up to 5 stars. Reviews refer to experiences which have taken place no earlier than 6 months before the submission of the reviews. Afterwards, the overall rating is calculated on the basis of a simple average of the rating scores of all verified reviews from the last 12 months. Customers describe the experience in their own words by adding comments.

Trusted Shops offers no advantages, special conditions, price reductions or other incentives for submitting a positive review or withdrawing a negative one. All reviews, both positive and negative, are published.

The Terms and Conditions of Use for the Trusted Shops Feedback Platform apply.

Score calculation based on the stars rating

5.00 - 4.50 Excellent
4.49 - 3.50 Good
3.49 - 2.50 Fair
2.49 - 1.50 Poor
1.49 - 1.00 Very poor

Measures for Reviews Verification

Trusted Shops has taken various measures in its review system to ensure that the published reviews only come from consumers who have actually used or purchased the products or services (hereinafter “Verified Reviews”).

How does Trusted Shops ensure that these are authentic reviews?

Technical measures

Trusted Shops uses various technical measures to ensure that review invites via e-mail are only sent to the e-mail addresses which were used to complete a purchase or buy a service.

Online shoppers who use the Trusted Shops Services, including the buyer protection, receive a review invite from Trusted Shops after completing their order. The link in the e-mail can be used to submit a review of the authentically completed purchase.

Additionally, users of the Trusted Shops Services can also rate their orders by calling up their purchase in the Consumer World (Trusted Shops login area). Technical measures have also been taken here to ensure that only transactions documented in the Consumer World can be rated.

Online shops can also ask their customers to submit a review via the Trusted Shops system. As part of the automatic dispatch of invites, the customer’s e-mail address is transferred via API or the so-called Review Collector to Trusted Shops for the purpose of sending an invite mail. These technical measures ensure that a review invite is only sent to the e-mail addresses which were used to complete a purchase.

In addition, in selected cases there is the possibility to submit a rating directly on the rating profile of a company. Again, the e-mail address and reference number must be entered. A double opt-in procedure is used to confirm the authenticity of the e-mail address.

At the same time, further order reference data is collected in all cases to ensure that the Trusted Shops Services are in general securely allocated as well as that an individual review is assigned to a real purchasing transaction.

Manual measures

Further manual measures are also used to ensure that only the customers who have in fact purchased the product or used the service provide reviews.

In order to make it possible to verify whether the review is authentic and legitimate, the reviews cannot be submitted anonymously. The e-mail address used to process the purchase always serves as a verifiable reference for submitting the review.

In the event of inconsistencies or of indications that a review is not based on experience, despite the implementation of the above-mentioned technical measures, evidence is requested to prove that the submitted review is legitimate, and is checked accordingly. If it is not possible to demonstrate by means of the requested evidence that the product has been purchased, or that the service has been used, the review will be deleted.

Active Review Management

Reviews of companies that use Trusted Shops' Active Review Management are filtered for certain specified unauthorised content before publication. Reviews with such content are not published. The manual scan is limited exclusively to the content specified under "General" and the content listed for certain industries. A reference to the use of this function can be found on the review profiles of these companies. No further manual check of the ratings takes place before publication.


  • Insulting or racist statements
  • Personal data, in particular names of employees or the name of the customer

For insurances

  • Bank account details
  • Insurance numbers

For e-cigarettes

  • Any specific reference to the products offered (product reviews)
  • References to the use or consumption of tobacco or tobacco products, e-cigarettes
  • Reviews in which the product/goods are mentioned
  • Reviews in which the word "product", "goods", "article" or "device" is mentioned - (exception "no goods received")

For medicinal products

  • Statements about the effect of a drug
  • Before / after comparisons
  • Any specific reference to the products offered (product reviews)
  • Reviews in which the product/goods are mentioned

For dietary supplements

  • Information on the mode of action
  • Before-and-after comparisons

For alcoholic beverages

  • Advertising for alcohol consumption

Notes on special cases:

Imported Reviews

In the case of these reviews, we do not ensure that all of them originate from consumers who have actually used or purchased the products or services. Therefore, these reviews (labelled as "Imported Reviews") are not included in the calculation of the overall rating, and are labelled as Imported Reviews.

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